• Your text 1

    This Blog is devoted to all the people who have loved and lost a beloved pet. I find this will help in the healing process of the loss of a pet. Please feel free to post pictures of your most loved pet along with why you miss them and how they filled your life with joy.

  • Your text 2

    July 8, 2012; I would like to start this blog with the loss of my most loved cat "Rock". He was a white cat with orange spots, very long and lean, highly expressive and playful. I buried him today next to my dog Vlad who passed away in 2006.

  • Your text 3

    The purpose of this blog is to bring awareness to people's mourning for their beloved pets. The death of a pet can be as devastating as a person. If you have recently lost a loved pet or just want to talk about a pet you love, don't hesitate to tell me about it. I care about you and yours.

Wooley and Cafe on the tea cart.

Jan. 18, 2016 Phoebe passed today. She was the first kitten to enter my house almost 15 years ago. I found her in the attic of my sister Linda's office. We heard crying and when we lifted the ceiling panel Phoebe and her sister Izzy fell out. I caught both of them and they were so small that they needed to be bottle fed for the next few weeks. Linda took Izzy and I got little Phoebe, she was so good and I was blessed to have her this long. Time spent loving her was so sweet, thank you Lord for this gift from the attic. I will always remember her as my first cat.

Mar. 27, 2019

Buddy passed yesterday, March 26, 2019

My Buddy went to kitty heaven yesterday, she had kidney failure and was not eating or drinking. She was a loyal, loving cat that I will miss a lot. We got her as an adult, she was a stray on my Mom’s farm and was in need of a good home. From the start she was so loving and always wanted to be where I was, she followed me as I planted, and weeded the garden, chasing butterflies and rolling around on the sweet grass. I cried when she passed, but I knew she was telling me it was her time. Thank you a God for letting me have her for a little while, I will be with her again in Heaven. Good Bye my sweet Buddy.����

Jan. 10, 2018

Little Wooley passed today, January 10,2018

Tuxedo cat Wooley went to heaven today, she was a brave kitten who survived being abandoned by someone at my Grandparents farm. Recently she started to fail and the doctor said she had cancer and was suffering, so we let her go to be with my other babies who passed. I miss her terribly, but I know she is in a better place, where there is no more pain, only love and joy. Goodbye my precious kitty.

Jun. 12, 2016

Whitey passed today

Whitey passed today at about 7:30 pm. He had two tumors and probably had cancer. For over a month he has been having weekly fluid injections, however, he was losing weight every week as well. I will miss him being he first to greet me when I come home, and I haven't cleaned the living room since he was sick so I wouldn't disturb him sleeping. He sired many fluffy white kittens, so this majestic cat is gone and I will miss him a lot. The farmcat on the teacart was regal, brave and always protected the female cats, when males bothered them. He was galant and a true gentleman cat. I wasn't with him when he died, he left us when he wanted to, just like a brave little guy he was.

Jan. 18, 2016

Phoebe passed today

She was the first kitten to enter my house almost 15 years ago. I found her in the attic of my sister Linda's office. We heard noises and when we lifted the ceiling panel Phoebe and her sister Izzy fell out. I literally caught them both as they fell from the ceiling, they were so small they needed to be bottle fed for the next few weeks. Linda took Izzy and I got little Phoebe, she was so good and I am blessed to have her this long. Izzy curious nature has landed her in some trouble, I remember the day she entered a delivery truck and ended up in New York City. My sister went to get her after someone said they saw a cat in an abandoned building. What an experience for Izzy. Time spent with Phoebe was so sweet and I am blessed for having her in my life. Thank you Lord for the gift from the attic.

Oct. 10, 2014

Angel passed today.

I am so sad to give today's news. The weather tells it all, overcast and cold. Angel fought the good fight but the cancer was too strong. She is so pretty and brave, even at the end. I will be so missing her. Just want to cry. Thanks for your prayers.

Sep. 29, 2014

Rock's sister Angel is sick, she may not live long

Recently Angel has been losing weight and not eating, the vet gave her fluids and took an x-ray showing a mass by her neck. Also her one eye is dialated. She is weak and sleeps a lot. I have a video of her with the frog. She is a calico cat and about 13 years old. Pray for her, I will.

Mar. 29, 2013

Full Metal Jousting announce they lost a precious soul.

Crispin passed away yesterday unexpectedly. He has been a beloved part of the Adams family for almost 13 years. His last hurrah was to be Full Metal Jousting as he was beginning his retirement this year. I truly convey my sadness for the loss of this majestic creature. I put a picture of Crispin in the LoveMyPet pictures page.

Mar. 5, 2013

Dave's cat Punk died today.

"He was the best cat ever!" Dave exclaimed to me today. Punk passed away today after a long illness. He was a big orange farm cat that loved life and enjoyed sleeping on Dave's lap after dinner. My condolences to Dave on the loss of his beloved Punk cat. I put a picture of Punk in the LoveMyPet pictures page along with the cast of his paw.

Feb. 12, 2013

Be my Valentine.

My blind eyes are desperately waiting for the sight of you. You don't realize of course, how fascinatingly beautiful you have always been, and how strangely you have acquired an added and special dangerous loveliness.

Jan. 5, 2013

New Year Greetings!

Blessings of love, peace and abundance to you all this 2013. Happy New Year Everyone!

Dec. 27, 2012

Stopping by Woods On a Snowy Evening.

Whose woods these are I think I know His name is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near. Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. Robert Frost

Dec. 12, 2012

A Poem for a Naughty Cat at Christmas.

You'd better stay down, you'd better not climb, I've taken you down for the very last time. Santa Paws is coming to town, He's making a list and checking it twice, deciding which cats deserve some toy mice, Santa Paws is coming...to town. He's sees where you've been sleeping, he sees what you've knocked down. He knows what you have shredded, do you WANT to go to the pound?

Nov. 16, 2012

A letter from God to a little girl.

Dear Meredith: Abby (her dog) arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help and I recognized her right away. Abby isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abby loved being your dog. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in so I'm sending it back to you. Thank you for your beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it. What a wonderful mother you have, I picked her especially for you. I send my blessings everyday and remember, that I love you very much. By the way, I'm easy to find I am wherever there is love.

Nov. 12, 2012

Talkeetna Mayor is a cat named Stubbs

A cat named Stubbs has been the mayor of Talkeetna for nearly all his life-no joke. It's been that way for more than a decade in the small tourist town that boasts nearly 900 residents. The part-Manx was named honorary mayor shortly after his birth, and now locals all know the cat as "Mayor Stubbs." "He was just in the Alaska Magazine, and he's been featured in a few different things." said Lauri Stec, who works at the Nagley's General Store in Talkeetna, where Stubbs hangs out most of the time. As the story goes, 15 years ago several of the town residents didn't like the candidates who were running for mayor of Talkeetna, so as a joke, they encouraged enough people to elect Stubbs the cat as a write-in candidate, and he actually won!

Oct. 28, 2012

Three Black Cats

Three Black Cats, Three Black Cats, in black hats, in black hats, they all jumped into the Halloween brew, they teased the ghosts and the goblins too. Did you ever hear such a hullabaloo, on Halloween?

Oct. 11, 2012

Luke 12:6

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God.

Oct. 1, 2012

Bible Verse About Pets

Man's fate is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the same breath, man has no advantage over the animal. Everything is meaningless. All go to the same place; all come from dust and to dust all return. Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth? Ecclesiastes 3:19-21

Sep. 26, 2012

A Cat's Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray this cushy life to keep,
I pray for toys that look like mice,
And sofa cushions, soft and nice.

I pray for gourmet kitty snacks,
And someone nice to scratch my back,
For windowsills all warm and bright,
For shadows to explore at night.

I pray I'll always stay real cool,
And keep the secret feline rule,
To NEVER tell a human that,
The world is really ruled by cats!

Aug. 29, 2012

Faithful Best Friend

"This soldier, I realized, must have had friends at home and in his regiment, yet he lay there deserted by all except his dog. I looked on, unmoved, at battles which decided the future of nations. Tearless, I had given orders which brought death to thousands. Yet here I was stirred, profoundly stirred to tears. And by what? By grief of one dog". (Napoleon Bonaparte, on finding a dog beside the body of his master, licking his face and howling, on a moonlite field after a battle. Napoleon was haunted by this scene until his own death).

Aug. 21, 2012

Tribute To A Best Friend

Sunlight steams through window pane onto a spot on the floor... Then I remember, it's where you used to lie, bur now you are no more. Our feet walk down a hall of carpet, and muted echoes sound... Then I remember, it's where your paws would joyously abound. A voice is heard along the road, and up beyond the hill, then I remember, it can't be yours... Your golden voice is still. But I'll take that vacant spot of floor and empty muted halls and lay them with the absent voice and unused dish along the wall. I'll wrap these treasured memories in a blanket of my love, and keep them for my best friend until we meet above.

Aug. 20, 2012

We Have A Secret

We have a secret, you and I that no one else shall know, for who but I can see you lie each night in fire glow? And who but I can reach my hand before we go to bed and feel the living warmth of you and touch your silken head? And only I walk woodland paths and see ahead of me, your small form racing with the wind so young again, and free. And only I can see you swim in every brook I pass, and when I call, no one but I can see the bending grass.

Aug. 18, 2012

A Bridge Called Love

It takes us back to brighter years, to happier sunlit days and to precious moments that will be with us always. And these fond recollections are treasured in the heart to bring us always close to those from whom we had to part. There is a bridge of memories from earth to Heaven above... It keeps our dear ones near us. It's the bridge that we call love.

Aug. 14, 2012

Crossing Over Rainbow Bridge

Just this Side of Heaven is a place called the Rainbow Bridge where animals go when they die. At the Bridge there are sunny meadows and shady dells where they can run and play together. There is plenty to eat and lots of soft places to take long naps. Animals who were ill or old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are whole and strong again. Beloved pets are just as they are remembered in dreams and the feral are given the lives they should have had. The animals are content, but many of them miss someone very special, someone who was left behind when they crossed the Bridge. Then, one day, an animal stops in play and looks into the distance. A familiar figure has taken the first step in crossing the Bridge and must be met! There is a pause in their journey to savor the joys of reunion, and then they cross the Rainbow Bridge together...

Aug. 10, 2012

Vacation, an excuse to hide from life.

I recently was on vacation and having fun as usual when I go away, as so I thought. There was an article in the local newspaper about a outside cat with a camera attached to his collar. The owner was amazed how much of a little tiger he was, it seems the cat was finding more prey than previously thought, also being a male, he was getting into risky situations. Anyway, I had a great time on vacation, bye for now!

Jul. 9, 2012

Another day without my kitty.

It was hard not to cry all day, I constantly had to swallow my tears. Oh, God, will it get easier tomorrow? Somehow I kept thinking Rock would show up in the usual way, meowing and jumping on my lap for a rub down.

Jul. 16, 2012

Still missing my kitty.

It is over a week since Rock passed now. Getting easier to cope with his loss, feeling Blessed knowing him and thank God I was allowed to have him as a pet. He brought so much joy to my life.

Jul. 22, 2012

Saw a stray cat today.

Today I was visiting my sister and discovered a stray cat at her back door. My sister had some left overs and I fed the cat. I felt a little sad, still missing my cat Rock, but I also enjoyed seeing the cat coming around.

Jul. 29, 2012

I want to remember the good times we had.

Sometimes I think it will get easier, I know it was his time to go. He will always be near me, no matter what, I miss him, its amazing how the love inside will always remain, see ya.